Fun fact about me. I love to celebrate. I grew up in a family that made a big deal about meeting milestones, and this passion has continued into my adulthood. Planning parties, picking out presents, making special desserts all make me soooo happy. I also love to celebrate with my patients at work as well. You moved from the orange to the pink theraband because orange was too easy.....YES! YOU ARE IMPROVING AND WE'VE GOTTA ACKNOWLEDGE THIS AWESOME MOMENT! So. Maybe I celebrate a little more than the average person. But I know that everyone can agree with me about this cause for celebration....My girl Anna graduated from college during a pandemic AND delivered a son during her last months as a full time student. WHAT?! This girl is a star, and I cannot wait to share her sweet story and most gorgeous pictures.
Anna has always been a natural creator. She creates the most beautiful music with the voice of an angel. (Not kidding. Her live singing of the National Anthem in front of a huge crowd gave me chills. And tears in my eyes.) With her natural gift, she was drawn to creative writing and journalism early on in her education. Anna began her schooling at Northwest Arkansas Community College in January 2015. She completed her two years of study while also working two part time jobs, and then transferred to the University of Arkansas in August 2017. Her transition to this campus was made easier by the strength from God and some amazing friends!
Anna is such a genuine and kind woman. She loves volunteering, and enjoyed her jobs so much as she was able to care for people and make them feel loved. She worked as a cashier at Harp's for three years and loved it! She had great opportunities there, felt valued, and had a fun time while working! She also completed a summer internship with the City of Springdale Senior Center after years of volunteering there as a child. She planned events for the facility and blessed every person there with her bright smile and warm hugs.
Anna's favorite college course was Mulitmedia Journalism where she got to be a live reporter, social media marketer, and DIY video creator. Her favorite memory of her college career was having a baby shower with her classmates in her Special Music Education class. She had felt nervous at the beginning of the course, but quickly learned that her professor had a heart of gold, and her classmates were some of her favorite people!
Anna and Brandon learned they were pregnant with their first child in the summer of 2019. While this is huge cause for rejoicing, it was a difficult time to make decisions about school courses and her timeline moving forward. However, Anna completed her fall semester with a growing baby, straight A's, and a full course load. For real-- she is a rockstar.
She had incredible support from her husband, Brandon, as well as friends and family. She had support from most of her spring semester professors, and used this homestretch as a way to prove her determination to all of them. Anna went to her first week of classes of her last semester of college. Thirty-Nine. Weeks. Pregnant. Yup. She then DELIVERED A BABY, stayed in the hospital for a couple days, and was released to be a full time mom and student from home. Anna worked on assignments for class during her maternity leave and never got behind on coursework. She returned to classes on campus for two weeks before all classes were moved online due to Covid-19. Anna finished her semester so gracefully with excellent grades, a healthy baby, a newfound confidence in herself, and stronger bond with her husband. Yes, this is girl deserves to be celebrated!!!
Anna blesses everyone she meets, and is an inspiration with perseverance and grit. I am proud to call her a friend, and was sooooo excited to take pictures to document the occasion. We turned it into a family outing, and snapped a few pictures with her son and dog, too. This was my first tour around the campus of the University of Arkansas, and I discovered what a beautiful campus it is!! We had a beautiful, sunny day, and Anna needed no direction as she is a natural in front of the camera! Her beauty and joy shine, and all these pictures were my new favorites.
Anna, it is TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!